Real Clients.
Real Success Stories.

You’ve likely heard positive things about us, but don’t just take our word for it — read on
to see how we’ve helped companies like yours generate outsized savings.


24:1 Return on Investment for MOD Pizza

MOD Pizza encountered a critical juncture where they needed to elevate and maintain operational effectiveness and surpass aggressive financial goals. The primary hurdles were resource constraints and the need for expert burst capacity in strategic sourcing and contract negotiations.

JGG took on the responsibility of organizing and managing several strategic sourcing events and optimizing MOD Pizza’s supply chain processes.

“At the end of the day, we all walked away winners. We saved a lot of money. We closed a lot of contracts out. The team felt good and successful … It was J. Gardner Group in partnership with the MOD sourcing team.”

– Stacy Egan, director of supply chain at MOD Pizza

We Have Profit Optimization
Down to a Science

For over 30 years, we honed the strategies Fortune 500 companies used to dominate their markets. Now, we’re leveling the field playing by giving you access to the same tactics that reduce costs, drive efficiency, and unlock profits for billion-dollar enterprises.


Empowering Product Portfolio Rationalization
at Farmer Brothers

The primary challenges Farmer Brothers faced included managing a diverse and extensive product line with over 2,500 SKUs, leading to complications in inventory management and operational efficiency.

JGG’s approach involved a comprehensive and collaborative strategy that gathered SMEs from various departments to form a cohesive plan. They guided also the SKU rationalization process, which reduced redundancy and enhanced efficiency.

“The team was starting to make decisions where there was a lot of hesitancy before, whereas now, it was more thinking like a business. That was for me the success.”

– Ruben Inofuentes, chief supply chain officer at Farmer Brothers


$1.5mm+ Annualized Price Increase Secured for Baked Goods Supplier

The baked goods supplier, a leading co-packer and private-label manufacturer, faced severe financial and operational challenges with a long-time national fast-casual food chain partner due to unprofitable pricing agreements, key product exits, and reduced volumes. Leadership changes and unclear direction further strained their relationship.

JGG’s relationship reset strategy focused on rebuilding trust, revising unfavorable contract terms, resetting pricing, and preparing for escalated negotiations. This approach led to a $1.5 million annualized price increase, restoring profitability, stabilizing the supplier’s financial health, and ensuring a sustainable future.

Negotiate with confidence

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shortly to help you build a sales and sourcing strategy
that inspires confidence.